Parking on the grass is prohibited. Please don’t be that person…

Register Your Vehicle

Resident vehicles, and guests staying longer than 28 days using one of your assigned parking spots are required to register for and display a VOSL yellow decal.

Decals are not issued for rentals; please register using Anchor Booting. Decals should be mounted in the front windshield or hung from the rear view mirror.

Your HOA records and leases must be current for anyone requesting a decal. If in doubt, contact the office first.

Use this quick form to send your information to today. The office will contact you when you can pick up your decal. Your registration is not complete until the decal is on display in your front window.

Before you start the form

You need two photos. One of the rear of the vehicle showing the window and license plate and one photo of your state DMV registration. Make sure the license plate and registration are legible to prevent any delays processing your HOA vehicle registration.

Parked in a guest spot past midnight?

Register the vehicle online with Anchor Booting.
And don’t forget: 12am is a new day! (that means register for the next day, not the day they arrived)