HOA Board Meeting November 13th, 2023

Monday, November 13, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m. 

Faircloth Park
3031 Shiloh Drive, West Palm Beach, FL 33407


  1. Opening of the Meeting and Roll Call

  2. Verification of Proof of Notice

  3. Approval of the Minutes for: October 9, 2023

  4. Financial Report

  5. Manager’s Report

  6. Old Business:

    • Rewriting of the Governing Docs status

    • Violations progress and process based on new laws on imposing fines.

    • VOSL HOA website completion status – expense vs. savings

    • VOSL HOA forms update – status needed

    • 2022 Financial Report completion - VOSL financial & delinquency status

    • 2024 budget and bids received to date – The General Ledger/tree removal & trimming/landscaping/lawnmower/iguana removal/fence painting

    • Rita’s WFH & departure and office location change/VOSL staff 2024 – expense vs. savings moving into Dedicated Property Management’s office.

  7. New Business: -

    • Re-vote on removing Eric Mahoney as President and re-assign the BOD roles per VOSL By-Laws/F.S. Chapter 720.

    • Consider the change in HOA attorney representation.

    • Review and set car decals cost to residents and when to charge for them.

    • Vendors payments to be made based only on services rendered and no payments to be made ahead of service being - completed without BOD approval.

    • Implement that ALL work done on property by maintenance needs to be accompanied by a WO – no WO/no work to be done.

    • Discontinue the fax/printer/computer usage at the on-site shed if not needed and switch to using emails/phone tablet – expense vs. savings

    • Time management & employee’s tasks accountability/ OT allowed only with PRIOR BOD approval or in case of an emergency.

    • Implement on-going quarterly employee meetings and coaching on proactively report property appearance and maintenance issues – i.e., hedges, trees, lawn, fences, building issues, concrete damage, etc.

    • Review and revise the job description for all VOSL employees, VOSL policies and procedures and employee’s handbook.

    • BOD/PM communication expectation on settlements, Agreements, attorney communication, bill payments, etc. MUST exercise open communication to all BOD at all times.

    • Stop the use of chemicals on property such as weed kill for the purpose of edging.

    • Vendors servicing the property need to provide a schedule of services and the specific area to be serviced ahead of time. If notice to members is required, it needs to be provided ahead of completion of services. Such notice should be blast email to the community by the PM as well as posted in the community if required by law.

    • All services provided to VOSL from outside vendors should be accompanied by an actual contract with said vendor.

    • Fire Hydrants HOA maintenance/bails still left in the easement/community signs/entrance signs & landscaping/hedges and trees.

    • Decision to be made on the trees grown by the one of the members that are ready for donation.

    • Review of FP&L light fixture replacement proposal – cost vs. savings

    • Implement an info and folder/manila envelope type hand out for new owners/tenants to include HOA information.

    • Gauger Consulting – consider partnering in some of the issues we’re having where we’re in between PD/legal/HOA.

    • Set field trip to the storage unit to review its content and possibly downsize the storage unit size.

    • New contractor for fences approval

    • Review the cell phone plans and look for a better deal during the Black Friday deals.

    • Set Board Meetings on a monthly frequency for 2024.

    • Look into location/rental of space for 2024 AMM that’s coming in March.

    • 2024 Budget Meeting proposed to be scheduled for November 27, 2023.

  8. Member Comments – Limited to 3 minutes

    Adjournment – Next Board Meeting in January 2024 TBD


HOA Board Meeting January 4th, 2024


Booting begins again